SFMC September eNews 2023 (560 × 485px) (4)

Be SunSmart

Spring is here and the UV rays are getting stronger everyday!

Here at BlueFit the safety of our members is important to us. To help you keep sun safe this spring we have gathered a few tips and tricks.

According to the Cancer Council there are many ways in which we can reduce our risk of skin cancer. The following are a few that they recommend:


Slip on lightweight clothing that covers as much skin as possible. It is recommended that you wear a collared shirt that will help protect the back of your neck from sun damage.


Slop on SPF30 or high broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen. It is recommended that you apply a generous amount of sunscreen at least 20 minutes before going outside. This includes applying it to your head, neck and each limb (front and back).


Slap on a hat. We have lots of caps and bucket hats in the proshop that provide excellent protection.


Seek shade and a cool place to rest. The best way to keep sun safe is to avoid being directly in the sun.


Slide on a pair of sunglasses. This will help to avoid any eye damage that the sun may cause. Also a pair of Mega sleeves which we stock in the proshop


Slurp on a cool drink of water, or possibly a hydralyte. This helps to maintain your levels and avoid any possibility of dehydration.


Cancer Council have also developed an app to help you keep track of your sun activity and furthermore improve your sun safety! You can view more information for the SunSmart App here.


Join us in being sun safe this spring!

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