Golf course closed today – Thursday 4th July due to severe water.


Local Rules


  • Preferred lies of 30cm may be taken on fairways and areas mown to fairway height (The ball must be marked prior to taking preferred lie. Ball may be cleaned when lifted).

  • On greens, if your ball lies on a bare patch or a bare patch interferes with your line of putt then relief may be.

  • Bare patches on fairways may be treated as GUR (No relief is available from bare patches in the rough).

  • Earthworks associated with improvements to the course must be treatedas GUR. Relief is available for plugged balls through the green. If the ball lies in the rough it may be lifted, cleaned and dropped. (It must be dropped in the rough).

  • Wheel ruts which interfere with your stance or lie of the ball may be treated as GUR. This applies through the green.

  • Where a drop zone is indicated by a sign in the ground players may drop within 2 club lengths of the sign.

  • The hazard on the right of the 13th hole extends to the access road. This applies for the entire length of the hazard. The planted area behind the 18th green is the only area on the course defined as a garden. If your ball lands in this area it is compulsory to drop, not nearer the hole.

  • The clubhouse, its artificial surrounds, the practice nets and the pavilion the first tee are all out-of-bounds areas.
    If a ball strikes an overhead power line on the 12th or 13th holes, the ball must be replayed without penalty.


  • In general you must have safety in mind at all times when playing golf. This means you shouldn’ take a swing in the direction of another person, even if it is a practice swing, unless the person is well out of range. Also, do not swing if somebody is walking near to your club. If it is not your shot make sure you are stood well away from the swinging arc of the person taking the shot.
  • It is obviously good manners to keep quiet on the golf course and not to run or fool around. You might distract someone from their shot.
  • Golf etiquette dictates that you should try and keep up with the group in front of you, to prevent groups behind you from being slowed up. If you do not spend a long time over each shot this should not be a problem. At the same time be careful not to hit a golf ball at the group in front if they are playing slowly. It is better to walk up to the group and ask politely if you may play through. If they allow you to play through their group, do so quickly and courteously.
  • Specifically, on the tee you should remain quiet when another person is taking their shot, and remain still out of their field of vision. This golf etiquette also extends to the fairway but over a much vaster area, meaning you must be aware of where everybody’s ball is in your group. It is good manners to replace any divots that you turf up. Don’t take more than a few minutes looking for a lost ball. If you do insist on taking longer than this be aware of groups behind you and allow them to play through if necessary. Enter all bunkers from the low side to avoid damaging the walls of the bunker. After taking your shot use the rake to remove any marks caused by the ball and your footprints. Leave the rake running parallel with the fairway, at the edge of the bunker.
  • Enter all bunkers from the low side to avoid damaging the walls of the bunker. After taking your shot use the rake to remove any marks caused by the ball and your footprints. Leave the rake running parallel with the fairway, at the edge of the bunker.
  • When marking your golf ball it is good golf etiquette to place the marker behind the ball, before picking it up. The person furthest from the hole putts first, so you might have to wait your turn. When placing your ball for a putt, always put the ball down first and pick the marker up afterwards. If somebody is putting or chipping towards the hole from off the green somebody will have to hold the flag for him. When doing so make sure your shadow is not cast along the line of the putt, and do not walk through anybody else’s putting line. When everybody is putting on the green the flag can be removed and placed at the edge of the green. Always replace it when your group has finished the hole. Mark your cards on the next tee to prevent the next group from being held up unnecessarily.
  • When marking your golf ball it is good golf etiquette to place the marker behind the ball, before picking it up.
  • The person furthest from the hole putts first, so you might have to wait your turn. When placing your ball for a putt, always put the ball down first and pick the marker up afterwards.
  • If somebody is putting or chipping towards the hole from off the green somebody will have to hold the flag for him. When doing so make sure your shadow is not cast along the line of the putt, and do not walk through anybody else’s putting line. When everybody is putting on the green the flag can be removed and placed at the edge of the green. Always replace it when your group has finished the hole. Mark your cards on the next tee to prevent the next group from being held up unnecessarily.


Neat Casual
Members are obliged to dress in good taste at all times, both within the clubhouse and on the golf course, and so maintain the dignity of the game of golf.

All Players

  • When shorts are worn, long socks or sports socks must be worn and properly secured.
  • Proper footwear must be worn at all times. This does not include thongs.
  • A collared shirt must be worn in competition events.
  • Be sun smart
  • Players are requested to dress in neat & tidy attire at all times
  • Shirts may have a collar or sleeves or both.
  • Singlet tops are not accepted at any time.
  • Pants may be 3/4 or full length.
  • Shorts & skirts should be tailored and just above knee.
  • Denim is not accepted.
  • Shoes should be recognised golf shoes. Rubber thongs are not accepted.