SFMC September eNews 2023 (560 × 485px) (2)

Coming Soon

Both Bluefit and Georges River Council are pleased to advise that the installation of brand new practice nets have been approved. Works will commence this month at the rear of the practice chipping green. Once completed, usage will be prioritized to members and guests warming up before their rounds.

We are also in the process of switching our front and back nines around so the current 9th green becomes the 18th green to allow players to finish in full view of the clubhouse balcony. This will be beneficial for major events and pennant matches. It won’t have any impact on tee time allocations for the member comps on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, apart from more groups starting off the new 10th tee than the 1st tee. Friday’s one tee comp may start off the new 1st tee. The Golf Club will notify everyone before the nines are switched and when you start seeing some brand new hole signs on our tees you’ll know things are getting close.

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