Golf course closed today – Thursday 4th July due to severe water.
SFMC May eNews 2023 (13)

Greenkeepers Course Update

Last month all the greens were sprayed to kill off numerous types of foreign grass which had
invaded them towards the end of summer. The colder weather combined with that treatment has
seen much of the foreign grass die off and the bent grass is taking over and starting to thrive. This
trend will continue and the greens will keep on improving throughout Autumn and Winter as
ground staff continue to cut and roll the greens regularly. They also aerated all the greens last week
which will help strengthen the roots with more oxygen and water easily penetrating deeper into
the green surfaces. And we have all witnessed the quality of the fairways improve after the grounds
staff did exactly the same thing with them.
Other works over the last month included the turf laying on the new 6th fairway and 5th tees. The
grounds staff have taken over the maintenance of these new areas and they are expected to be
open by mid June. They have cleared the scrub area right of the path that leads to the 6th fairway
which will allow airflow and sunlight to penetrate through to the 5th tee and they also ripped out
the hedge on the 2nd tee which will allow the left hand side to be used as the Blue markers for the
9th hole.
Finally, it would be remiss of me not to mention the great work done by the Monday Working Bees.
This team of dedicated workers should be congratulated by everyone that plays our golf course, for
all their magical work they do around the course every week. If you haven’t noticed the beautiful
gardens they have created you must be walking the course blind folded….lol. Keep up the great
work team.

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