Golf course closed today – Thursday 4th July due to severe water.
2023 April HGC - Greenkeepers update

Greenkeepers Update

On the 6th and 7th of March, the greens at the golf course were renovated. Most of the greens have started to come back nicely, however some of the older greens that struggled with the late summer heat and humidity still need a bit more time to recover. Now that the weather has started to cool down, ground staff have begun spraying some of these greens to kill off the different types of grasses that are growing in them. If they had attempted spraying earlier the greens would have completely died. Now the bent grass that flourishes in the cooler months will have the strength to grow and take over. And with ground staff continuing to roll and cut the greens regularly, you’ll start to see improved putting surfaces over the coming weeks and months.

Other works over the last month included every the fairways being cored to reduce the compacted soil and promote more water and oxygen into the root systems. 

The next job is to spray some of the greens for clover which has developed in greens like the 16th.  

And finally the 6th fairway and 5th tee have been shaped and should see some turf laid very soon.

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